Sunday, 6 October 2013


I am soaking in the last few weeks of life in Montreal. The stunning fall colours of red, yellow, and orange are quilting their way across Mont Royal. With each passing day, there are more leaves on the ground reminding me that a new season is about to begin. The tree in front of our condo is nearly bare.

There is something quite satisfying about closing up shop and moving on. Although there is some sadness and mourning that must go on, I feel a sense of accomplishment and completion as well. Yesterday for example, I was making some cream cheese icing and I had exactly the right amount of icing sugar to make it. I rinsed the bag and tossed it in the recycle bin with such delight. Another thing that I do not need to concern myself with when I pack up the last of my bags.

This past week we also cashed in a gift of a scooter rental. If being on a scooter doesn't make you smile, there is need for re-evaluation in life. It was an ideal fall day, where the sun was shining and warm with only a slight breeze. We drove along the Lachine canal and stopped at a park for a lovely walk. On our return journey we followed the boulevard along the St. Lawrence River and stopped at the Lachine rapids. It is a wonder that the voyageurs and ships even attempted to navigate these waters. Necessity and the spirit of adventure spurred them on.

This coming week I am taking a one day pastry course to learn how to make eclairs from renowned French pastry chef Christian Faure. How much more French does it get?

Not quite sure what else the next few weeks will bring, we intend to continue to enjoy the moments that we have here. Although I am feeling very inadequate for this next adventure that I am about to embark on, I am hoping that the experiences and lessons I have learned during my time in Montreal will carry through.

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